3 Exercises That Build More Muscle Than The Bench Press
Don’t continue to perform an exercise because you think you “have to”. There are no rules in the gym, there are no required movements. If something doesn’t feel good, stop doing it. There are always better, more intelligent movement choices.
3 Reasons Why You're Not Getting Results from HIIT Training
And really I'm not anti-HIIT or anti-franchise gym. I'm anti you wasting your time and effort. If you're going to commit to an exercise program you deserve one that is going to make you better, not one that's just going to make you sweaty.
Use a Band to SkyRocket Your Chest Gains
Here’s how to use a simple band to double your chest gains.
6 Reasons Moms Should Lift Weights
The most efficient way to lose fat AND keep fat off is to lift weights.
So here are 6 reasons why women should lift weights…
Beating Back Pain on River City Live
To be stronger, to look better, to build muscle, to beat pain.
You need to strengthen your back.
The Perfect Arm Day
While it’s true that things like the bench press uses your triceps and any kind of row uses your biceps, those exercises simply don’t cut it if your goal is to build impressive pythons.
The Best Lat Exercise
If you want to look more muscular, move better, have better posture, and live without pain you need to get a stronger back.
The 3 Best Exercises To Grow Your Glutes
Your glutes aren’t a special muscle. They don’t need to be activated, they don’t need crazy movements to target them. They need increasing resistance over time.
Focus on simple movements that target the actual function of your glutes, then try to get really strong at those movements. You’ll grow your ass in no time.
3 Ways to Beat Neck Pain
Your neck can hurt for about 7,000 reasons.
From the way you breathe to the way you sleep, to the way you sit at your desk (or kitchen table) all day.
Discomfort in your neck can ruin your whole day. It makes you feel sluggish, tired and annoyed.
Here are 3 ways you can pretty quickly beat neck discomfort.
All you’ll need is a foam roller, a lacrosse ball and a barbell.
The Mobility Thing Everyone Gets Wrong
Lack of mobility can be caused by all sorts of things, like tightness, weakness, or years of bad posture.
When that happens your CNS sends signals to your body saying “hey don’t move like that it’s going to hurt.”
So when you want to realign or reset a joint or a series of joints to have better mobility you can’t just address the physical component.