Jacksonville Fitness Academy | Personal Training

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Do This for Bigger Arms: Zottman Curl

A lot of people want big arms, but don’t have the time to spend 2 hours in the gym working on one muscle group.

The bicep has two heads- bi = 2.  But traditionally we only focus on training one of those heads.  That means we’re leaving a lot of room for growth on the gym floor, and wasting a lot of time.

There’s a way we can train both heads at the same time, but we need to manipulate the palm and some angles during the motion.

How to Do This:

  • Start with the palms neutral at the bottom

  • Rotate the palms so they’re facing your shoulder at the top 

  • Pause for a second at the top and rotate the palms out- so the fingers are facing forward

  • Slowly lower the weights back into the starting position.

  • Repeat 10-12 times

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