Jacksonville Fitness Academy | Personal Training

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Killer At Home Upper Body Workout

Today we have a really tough at home Upper Body Workout for you.

This workout is mostly bodyweight, but it does require one dumbell, kettlebell or any single external load.

You can really use anything for that weight- your child, your spouse, a sack of rice or even a brick.

Get creative but be safe.

This workout is pushup based, but if you can't do proper push ups we have the perfect way for you to perform them so you can build the strength and skill needed to progress.

This workout consists of 3 tri-sets. 

That means each set has 3 exercises within.

You're going to perform each exercise for 10 reps. If it's a single limb movement you're going to do 10 reps on each arm.

You're going to repeat each tri-set 4 times.

Give it a go!

Exercise is just one part of your daily routine.

If you really want to empower your body and your mind you need to develop a morning and night time routine.

Click this link to download our 12 page eBook detailing how and why you should create morning and night time routines as well as sample routines and tracking sheets. 
