Jacksonville Fitness Academy | Personal Training

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Shin Splints? Try This Exercise

Shin splints suck.

If you run, play a sport or hike you know exactly what I’m talking about .

That dull aching pain on the front of your leg that makes walking feel like the Bataan Death March.

It’s debilitating, and incredibly frustrating.

Because shin splints can happen for a variety of different reasons:

❌ Poor running mechanics

❌ Bad shoes

❌ Muscle imbalances
❌ Poor foot strike

❌ Lower body weakness (I think that was a Sisqo song)

Regardless of WHY they happen there’s something you can do to keep them at bay.

Strengthen your tibialis anterior.

That’s the big muscle that runs along your shin. If you lift your toe toward the ceiling you’ll see it flex.

Luckily this movement is simple enough to do anywhere, and you don’t need any special equipment. Just your feet, a wall and the floor.

Here’s how to do it:

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