One Question To Help You Stay On Track

In January I'll be sober for 10 years.

I've effectively completely changed my way of being. I used to be controlled by an external substance, now I'm only controlled by my priorities and principles.

And daughter.

What they don't tell you when you're on the path to change is how often your fucked up thoughts are going to creep into your head and try to drag you back to where you where.

They don't tell you that your body holds on to physical sensations and will replicate them for no reason.

They don't tell you that every day you're going to face temptations and challenges that force you to prove that you are willing to change.

They don't tell you how much work it takes to turn your fantasy into a reality.

Every day for the last 10 years I've had at least one thought about drugs, a dream in which I got high or a physical sensation trying to bring me back to a version of myself that I don't want to exist.

I haven't given in once, I haven't even come close to relapsing.

I'm not super human, or stronger than you.

I just have a system I use every day.

The system is simple and it can be applied to any obstacle you're trying to overcome, or any desired change you're trying to bring into reality.

Whenever my brain fucks with me I ask myself a simple question:

If I give into this temptation ,if I act on this thought will I be closer to who I want to be tomorrow, or will I be farther away?

You can apply this to anything in your life.

Trying to lose weight but tempted by chinese take out?

"If I give in to this temptation will I wake up closer to my goal or farther away?"

Trying to gain muscle but want to skip the gym because you're unfocused?

"If I skip this workout will I wake up closer to the person I want to be or farther away?"

Every decision is a short term investment in your character, your body and who you are. Each decision has consequences- good and bad- and you need to take those consequences into mind before you act irrationally.

Systems are powerful as long as you apply them, and follow them.

Train With Me

Patrick Henigan

Pat Henigan is the owner of Jacksonville Fitness Academy in North Florida. He’s been published in Reader’s Digest, Shape and is a regular guest on News4Jax and writes for Jacksonville Magazine.

He’s been in the trenches coaching since 2010 and has coached MLS players, internationally capped South American Soccer players, SNL Cast Members and multiple Fortune 500 CEOs.

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