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Do This To Fix a Bad Hip

Hips cause a lot of problems.

Low back pain.

Knee pain.

Shoulder pain.

Your hips are literally, literally the center of your body. They dictate a lot of important movement ,stability and strength patterns. They’re ridiculously important if you want to be strong, fast, big AND pain free.

A lot of people have hips that are uneven and unstable. That just means that they have a strength imbalance in their hips, and it often manifests as tight hips or a painful lower back.

Normally when this happens the lateral musculature of the hips is weaker than the linear musculature of the hips.

In layman’s terms your side ass isn’t as strong as your ass cheeks.

Now you don’t need a booty band or a bunch of crazy instagram garbage exercises to fix this problem.

You can fix it by altering a very basic movement pattern to focus on those muscles on the side of your hips.

It’s something we do in nearly every lower body warm up.

Here’s how to do it:

Coaching Cues:

  1. Grip the ground with your foot, drive your big toe into the ground

  2. Push your hips BACK to the wall behind you. Think that you’re trying to touch your butt to that wall.

  3. Keep your planted knee soft, the knee will bend as a product of the hips pushing back and give you great range of motion.

  4. Keep your back FLAT, do not allow your chest to collapse towards the ground.

  5. If you’re having a hard time with balance grab onto something with the opposite hand of the working foot.

  6. BREATHE, don’t hold your breath. That will make balance harder!

If you’re having knee pain, lower back pain or even shin splints this is a movement you should explore. It will help you build a more robust, strong, more stable hip girdle that will eliminate any pain down chain or up chain.

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