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Arguing With Diet Zealots

A few weeks ago I posted on Facebook about how calories and energy balance are the underlying mechanism for the success of different diets.⁣

⁣If you reach your goals on the keto diet, it was the calories consumed, not the lack of carbs that caused you to reach your goal.⁣

⁣Same for paleo, vegan, carnivore and whatever other ridiculous diet is trendy right now.⁣

⁣It's not an emotional statement, it's just a true statement based on nutritional science. ⁣

⁣However, people get very touchy over things like this.⁣

⁣A few keto zealots really went hard after me. Attacking me, spamming me and calling me some admittedly funny names.⁣

⁣I try to be measured and unoffensive in my reponse to anything, but I realized that I was censoring facts so as not to offend people.⁣

⁣That's my fault, because it's my job to help people. It's my job to communicate hard truths and not let other people's sensitivities stop me from helping people.⁣

⁣So, I said, let's go.⁣

⁣Here's how diets work, why they work and how you can deal with aggressive advocates of trendy diets online.⁣

⁣People all want something to believe in, and we live in a country where we're privileged enough to choose what foods we DON'T eat. ⁣

⁣Once we all realize this the diet conversation turns much less emotional.⁣

⁣Your diet should not define who you are. You should be a diet agnostic. Be skeptical about all of them and take what works for you, and discard the rest.⁣

⁣Anyway I went on a little bit of a rant, but it will definitely clear some things up for you.⁣

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