Arguing With Diet Zealots

A few weeks ago I posted on Facebook about how calories and energy balance are the underlying mechanism for the success of different diets.⁣

⁣If you reach your goals on the keto diet, it was the calories consumed, not the lack of carbs that caused you to reach your goal.⁣

⁣Same for paleo, vegan, carnivore and whatever other ridiculous diet is trendy right now.⁣

⁣It's not an emotional statement, it's just a true statement based on nutritional science. ⁣

⁣However, people get very touchy over things like this.⁣

⁣A few keto zealots really went hard after me. Attacking me, spamming me and calling me some admittedly funny names.⁣

⁣I try to be measured and unoffensive in my reponse to anything, but I realized that I was censoring facts so as not to offend people.⁣

⁣That's my fault, because it's my job to help people. It's my job to communicate hard truths and not let other people's sensitivities stop me from helping people.⁣

⁣So, I said, let's go.⁣

⁣Here's how diets work, why they work and how you can deal with aggressive advocates of trendy diets online.⁣

⁣People all want something to believe in, and we live in a country where we're privileged enough to choose what foods we DON'T eat. ⁣

⁣Once we all realize this the diet conversation turns much less emotional.⁣

⁣Your diet should not define who you are. You should be a diet agnostic. Be skeptical about all of them and take what works for you, and discard the rest.⁣

⁣Anyway I went on a little bit of a rant, but it will definitely clear some things up for you.⁣

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Patrick Henigan

Pat Henigan is the owner of Jacksonville Fitness Academy in North Florida. He’s been published in Reader’s Digest, Shape and is a regular guest on News4Jax and writes for Jacksonville Magazine.

He’s been in the trenches coaching since 2010 and has coached MLS players, internationally capped South American Soccer players, SNL Cast Members and multiple Fortune 500 CEOs.

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