Jacksonville Fitness Academy | Personal Training

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How to Make Your Lateral Raises More Effective

You want to use your anatomy to your advantage.

Meaning you want to choose movements that align with your anatomy, and you want to perform those movements in ways that allow you to use your anatomy.

Lateral raises are a great example of how a small tweak can optimize the movement and use your anatomy to your advantage.

The best way to perform a lateral raise is NOT directly out to your side.

It’s to bring your hands slightly in front of your body to create a 25-45 degree angle.

That angle will allow your shoulder blades to glide along your ribcage in their natural anatomical motion, so you can recruit more muscle AND do it in a pain free manner.

Small hinges swing big doors, and finding these little tweaks will go a long way to helping you build muscle, and beat aches and pains.

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