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How Many Calories Should I Eat?

Finding how many calories you should eat is not as complicated as you think.

There are a few invaluable equations, that are precise and very complicated. They have their value and they were made by people much smarter than myself.

But like most things in life the best possible solution is the most simple.

To find how many calories you need to eat you first need to be crystal clear with your goal.

Are you trying to lose weight?

Step on the scale and weigh yourself. Take that number and multiply it by 8-12.

Multiplying it by 12 will put you in a slight caloric deficit and is the perfect starting place for 99% of people beginning their weight lose or body recomposition journey.

After a few weeks your weight will plateau. That's a natural part of the adaptation process.

Once you reach that plateau take your new bodyweight and multiply it by 11.

Follow that same process until you are either continually losing weight at a certain factor, have reached your goal or are at that bodyweight x 8 spot.

Do not start with the BW x 8 because nothing physiologically happens without a trade off.

Will you lose weight faster? Absolutely.

Will you be extra fatigued, weak in the gym, irritable and have a hard time sleeping? Absolutely.

Changing your body is a game of adaptation. You need to apply the right strategy and have the patience to stick to it over a few weeks before adjusting anything.

The video also covers caloric calculations for those trying to gain muscle.

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