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Can you Spot Target Fat Loss?

“How do I lose fat on my outer thigh?”

“How do I lose fat off my love handles?”

“How do I lose fat off the back of my arm?”

You can’t target fat loss at specific spots.

It’s just not a biological possibility.

If you want to lose weight in a specific area, you have to….lose weight in general.

From your entire body.

And eventually the fat will come off that area.  It will depend  on your genetics, and how much fat you have to lose. 

We all have areas that are genetically predisposed to storing fat.  For some people it’s their face, for others it’s their thighs. 

And there’s no getting around that.


You can target certain areas to gain muscle.

If you went to the gym for 8 weeks straight and only did bicep curls.

What would grow?

Just your bicep.

So in reality if you target overall fat loss with a high specific training plan you can produce the APPEARANCE of targeted fat loss.

You just have to be dialed in.

It’s not too late to get in great shape for summer. Click here to learn more.