6 Reasons Moms Should Lift Weights
Nearly every woman that walks into a gym wants to lose belly fat.
Unfortunately you’ve been sold a false bill of goods for decades. You’ve been told that endless hours of cardio, yoga, and silly gadgets like waist trainers are the easiest, most efficient way to lose belly fat.
I’m not saying any of those things are bad- besides the waist trainer (which is literal garbage)- but they don’t make a complete plan to lose belly fat. Cardio and yoga are great, they’re things I want every female client to do...
The most efficient way to lose fat AND keep fat off is to lift weights.
So here are 6 reasons why women should lift weights…
1. Lifting weights is much more effective than cardio at burning belly fat
In simple terms when you perform cardio your body is burning both fat and muscle for fuel, when you lift weights your body is only burning fat(and carbohydrates stored in your bloodstream) for fuel. Long cardio sessions promote the release of a hormone called cortisol, which is generally associated with stress. This hormone promotes muscle loss and fat retention.
2. Lifting weights will raise your Basal Metabolic Rate
The more muscle you have the more calories you burn by just living and breathing. The more muscle you have the more energy your body needs, and therefore the more calories you burn by just going about your daily life.
3. Muscle is more dense than fat. It takes up less space
If more of your body weight comes from muscle instead of fat, you will be smaller. If you replace a pound of fat with a pound of muscle you will take up less space, i.e you will be slimmer. By beginning a lifting program your bodyweight may slightly go up, but your pant size will go down.
4. Lifting weights burns more calories than cardio both during and after a workout
After completing a tough strength training session your body’s demand for oxygen(EPOC- excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) is higher for the next 16-36 hours, requiring more energy and calories burned to create this energy. While this may only mean you burn 10 extra calories per hour, it means you will burn as much as 360 extra calories over the next day by just existing.
5. You will strengthen your bones
Women are more predisposed to osteoporosis than men are. A good way to get ahead of that is to always consider bone strength.
Lifting weights increases bone density by placing a larger demand on skeletal integrity. Your muscles and tendons tug on your bones when you perform a lift, and your bones respond by building more cells.
6. Being Strong is F*cking Cool
Being able to pick up things that you never thought you would be able to is amazing. It helps you feel confident in your own skin and composed about your abilities.
We still have 6 spots left in our Mom’s Only Training Group. It’s an amazing program designed to get you strong and lean AF in only 3 hours per week. Learn more and apply here!
And if you need help you can train with us.
Or you can train with me via my app.