5 Training Time Management Tips

Managing your time during a workout is….not easy.

I struggle with it, and a lot of clients also struggle with it.

Here are 5 easy tips you can implement right away to stop wasting time during your workouts, so you can get more work done.

  1. Don’t Warm Up

I don’t actually mean “don’t warm up at all.”

Specifically what I mean is do not have some warm up routine that is not a part of your planned session.

You shouldn’t jump into the movements cold, but you don’t need to roll around with a foam roller and 75 bands for 15 minutes either.

Instead of a warm up routine you should perform some “ramp up sets” for your first set or series of exercises. Ramping up means you perform the same movement, let’s say it’s a DB Bench Press, with some light weights to get your blood moving and your joints adapted.

So you would just perform 2 lighter sets of your first set to get warmed up. It will have the same effect as a long warm up, with the benefit of getting you into the work quicker.

2. Create A Playlist

Yeah, I know. You’ve never heard this one before.

Make your workout playlist- all the songs that you like to workout to, whether it be Chopin or Metallica. Make sure you like all the songs because there is a caveat.

Once you start working out you’re not allowed to skip a song.

You have to keep the playlist running the entire duration of your session.

Searching for music (or podcasts) kills time, but it also takes your focus away from yourself and the task at hand.

Make your playlist. Press play when you start working out. Don’t press skip during your session. Don’t press pause or stop until the session is over.

3. Don’t Deviate From Your Start Time

Go back to high school. What would happen if you walked into homeroom after the bell rang? You'd get detention. (We'd get JUG).

Treat your planned start time that seriously. Take your desired routine VERY seriously so you can turn it into habit.

4. Don’t Rest For Longer Than 2 Minutes

Yes, there is a lot of science and nuance behind rest time. But when we’re trying to be pragmatic we need to throw scientific efficacy out the window.

The only focus right now is being efficient with your time.

So no more long breaks.

5. Have A Hard End Time

If you have unlimited time you're unconsciously giving yourself permission to f*ck around.

Schedule an end time and stick to it.

Boundaries make habits possible. The start and end times are your time management boundaries.

If you’re a guy we have the perfect program for you. Click here.

If you’re a girl we have the perfect program for you too. Click here.

And if you want to work with me 1 on 1. Click here.

Patrick Henigan

Pat Henigan is the owner of Jacksonville Fitness Academy in North Florida. He’s been published in Reader’s Digest, Shape and is a regular guest on News4Jax and writes for Jacksonville Magazine.

He’s been in the trenches coaching since 2010 and has coached MLS players, internationally capped South American Soccer players, SNL Cast Members and multiple Fortune 500 CEOs.


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