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4 Move Shoulder Warm Up

The other day I was talking to my Father in Law about his shoulder.

After a quick conversation, some ribbing, and a few laughs I asked him to lift his arms over head so I could get a better look.

As he lifted both arms it sounded like someone opened one of those mid 2000s bags of Sun Chips.

You know, the “organic” ones that had the same decibel level as a jet taking off.

Crackle, pop, snap.

And here’s the thing:

A loud shoulder isn’t necessarily a sign of anything serious.  Most of the time that shoulder just needs a little TLC to move correctly and “fire” in unison. 

But when you hear that pop or feel that tinge there are very few things more annoying than a loud or painful shoulder.

A banged up or noisy shoulder makes any upper body exercise harder, saps your confidence and draws your focus away from enjoying your work out.

So here is a quick shoulder warm up.

It’s a 4 movement sequence designed to:

👉🏻Stimulate all muscles in the ball and socket that is your shoulder

👉🏻Get your rotator cuff involved and working
👉🏻Restore full mobility of your shoulder AND upper back
👉🏻Make your joint strong and stable to stop any unwanted noises

So if your shoulders hurt, or if they just sound like crinkled tin foil give this warm up a try.

Perform each movement 3 or 4 times for 10 reps as a circuit. Go from the first movement, to the second, to the third, to the fourth then take a 30-60 second break and start over.

P.S We’re running a special for new clients right now, click here.

And you can also work with me 1 on 1 on my app, or in person. I have one time slot available.