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3 Fat Destroying Nutrition Habits (That Aren't Hard To Do)

Let me tell you a little secret about long term fat loss.

The name of your diet doesn’t matter.

How popular your diet is doesn’t matter.

The only thing that matters is the habits that you create, and consistently perform.

Let’s be truthful here: the reason why 70% of American's are overweight is because they have horrible nutrition habits.

And instead of focusing on small changes that develop into big wins over time, they shoot for the moon. They buy $200 shake detox programs and throw it away after 2 days. They purchase keto testing strips and put them in the back of the cupboard after a week.

Habits are like smart investments. If you put a little bit of effort in now, and consistently follow the small effort they will compound into a great return.

Habits seem small and like they’re worth nothing now….but think of it like the first people who invested in Tesla’s IPO. It was a small company and its stock was only worth $17 per share.

But it grew month after month, year after year and now a single stock of Tesla is worth over $220.

That’s the type of growth and return you can expect when you take your habits seriously.

So here are 3 Fat Destroying Nutrition Habits (That Aren’t Hard to Do):

  1. Eat 1-2 Palm Sized Portion At Each Meal

Under eating protein, and overeating carbs and fats throughout the day leads you to generally feel hungrier, increase food cravings and cause energy crashes, while contributing to muscle loss.

By having enough protein each day you’ll have less energy crashes which will allow you to be more productive and think clearly without feeling like you need to eat every two hours.

By eating enough protein you’ll feel fuller for longer, and be much more satiated after meals and snack. This naturally reduces food intake without thinking about it which is especially helpful for fat loss.

In a fat loss or muscle gain phase eating enough protein along with strength training is necessary to retain that hard earned muscle while losing fat.

Protein has the highest thermic effect of food which means more calories are burned by digesting protein than either fats or carbs, meat sweats anyone ? haha

Your Habit: Eat 1-2 Palm sized portions of protein at each meal, and sneak it in at snacks too (3-4 times per day)

2. Track Your Food Intake For At Least 7 Days (Ideally 30 Days)

As humans we’re all really bad at remembering what we’ve eaten during the day, especially when trying to recall things at the end of the day.

The only thing we might be might be worse at as humans is estimating calories and portion sizes when it comes to the food we eat.

Studies show that people unintentionally under report their calorie intake by upwards of 47%... that’s a real statistic, stop and think about that!

Small consistent daily errors or forgotten foods can easily lead to your weight loss stalls and weight gain over time.

Eating whole nutritious foods is definitely a big step for your health and weight loss goals, but keep in mind that healthy food still contains calories, and you can overeat them if you’re not aware.

I’ve coached a lot of people who ate “very healthy” but couldn’t lose body fat, because they were eating too many calories in general.

Awareness is the key here as unconscious eating habits work against your goals usually when it comes to nutrition.

By tracking your food intake a food journal or a calorie tracking app, you’ll be much more aware, and able to address those sneaky foods holding you back!

If you have a more health based goal you’re working on tracking your food is great to see if there’s any foods causing issues with you regularly.

Your Habit: Track your food intake for one to two weeks using a food journal or calorie tracker like myfitness pal.

Be diligent about entering everything you eat or drink so you can be as accurate as possible!

It’s better to be precise about your food for a week or two and learn what you need to fix rather than continue to feel frustrated and not know what to fix in your nutrition.

3. Eat 1/2 Plate Of Veggies At Every Meal

By simply eating more fibrous vegetables daily you’ll be able to stay a lot fuller for longer and as a result of the extra fiber and water which helps with fat loss.

Increasing your vegetable intake also lowers your risk of most chronic health diseases, stay fuller for longer and add a ton of micronutrients and fiber to your current nutrition plan.

Here’s some of the extra benefits of eating enough vegetables on a consistent basis: • High in fiber and micronutrients
• Lower cardiovascular disease risk
• Lower blood Pressure

• Reduce risk of diabetes and Obesity
• GI Health: constipation and diverticulitis • Vision
• Great for any fat loss plan
• Low Calorie
• Helps with hunger and satiety

Eat different colors and textures of vegetables to keep your food interesting. Break outside your normal eating habits and try a new vegetable or fruit every two weeks.

Have some fun with trying a new veggie by going to a cultural store you wouldn’t normally grocery shop at.

Your Habit : Eat a 1⁄2 plate of vegetables at each meal, as this will help keep you fuller for longer while eating fewer calories and helping with fat loss, and contribute to multiple areas of your health too.

These 3 habits are a game changer. They’ll help you rewrite your relationship with food, lose fat and feel fuller longer…

But only if you actually do them.

So here’s my challenge to you.

Pick one of these habits and focus on it for a week. Put serious effort into it, and keep doing it- even when it feels hard or boring.

After a week it will feel easier. Then you can add another habit.
The reality is if you commit to executing on these habits

consistently you’ll be well on the path to a healthier, leaner and more confident version of yourself!

We put together an entire book of the 16 most impactful nutrition habits. Click here to get your copy.