Jacksonville Fitness Academy | Personal Training

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Six Ways To Stretch For Better Posture

You're working at home. You're sitting over your kitchen table, instead of a desk.⁣

Your posture is probably a little...whacked.⁣

Everyone is experiencing a new level of tightness and posture problems.⁣

To fix your posture you first need to be aware there's a problem. You need to be aware of how you're sitting, how you're breathing. Then you need to take a second to correct your body positioning.⁣

You also need to address the areas that get tight when you sit in bad position.⁣

You need to spend some time and attention on the muscles that get tight when you hunch over like you live in the bell tower at Notre Dame.⁣

You need to hit your ⁣
-Upper Back⁣

Those muscle groups all play into your body's ability to achieve a neutral position while you sit. They all get tight when you sit hunched over.⁣

Here are 6 stretches you can do ANYWHERE to fix the muscles contributing to your bad posture and tight upper body.⁣

Exercise is just one part of your daily routine.

If you really want to empower your body and your mind you need to develop a morning and night time routine.

Click this link to download our 12 page eBook detailing how and why you should create morning and night time routines as well as sample routines and tracking sheets. 
