Undeniable Results

I started working with Patrick at the beginning of December 2016 and since that time I have not only put on muscle but also dropped body fat. What I like about his program is that it involved functional training with weight training. After hitting a plateau in my training and feeling like giving up, Patrick pushed me through his program and didn’t let me quit. He is not only my coach but a great mentor and friend. He customized my workouts to my specific goals and keeps them interesting and fun.
— Tom K.
I trained with Pat for 3 years and he got my body into the best shape it’s ever been in. He promotes good technique and makes sure you stay focused on a healthy diet. He truly makes it about the individual and works with YOU to achieve YOUR goals, and makes sure you put in the effort! He’s very direct and pushes you to do your best while training. Even though you may have to fake laugh at his awful jokes and pretend that he’s funny. Working with Pat was my best investment.
— Jeremy D.
I was tired of feeling tired and needed extra motivation. When I train with Patrick I feel that I owe it to him and myself to put in the work and push myself. He has helped me break the cycle of on again off again routines. I am now focused on daily healthy habits. I dare you to find a more engaging and educated person to workout with. Patrick knows what he is doing and he is very good at what he does.
I was feeling more energized and motivated after the first few weeks. After six months, I feel like a new man! I have more energy and I am more focused than ever. I make it a point to do something for myself daily and to work on my overall health. Before, It was very sporadic. At best it was a weekly or monthly focus with no real structure . Patrick has turned it all around for me.
— Jared B.
I’ve been working with Pat twice a week for over a year and have been incredibly pleased with my progress. Pat helped me identify my goals and helped me develop a holistic approach to achieving them. Pat is always a great motivator and has creative ideas for adjusting my activities to reach my goals.
— Sam A.
My medium shirts are getting too small. That means one of two things, I forgot how to work my dryer or I’m gaining a lot of muscle!
— Jim R.
A co-worker recommended I work with Pat. I couldn’t be happier! I didn’t know what to expect during my first visit but Pat was super nice and helpful. He did a full injury assessment and adjusted my workout plan from there. I feel stronger, look more toned and my jeans fit looser!
— Amanda C.
I have been training with Patrick for almost 2 years now. He always refers to my original goals and has an easy going yet motivating approach that’s both refreshing and rare in my experience.
— Todd R.
Jacksonville Personal Training. Jacksonville Personal Trainer. Jacksonville Bootcamp. Jacksonville Small Group Training. Jacksonville Kettlebell, Jacksonville Barre, Jacksonville Boxing
I wanted to train with an Irish guy.
— Colin Q.


Patrick is a mindful and focused professional. He knows his craft well. I enjoy his personal training style and engagement. He is fun to work with! In short, he is a great trainer. If you’re considering working with a personal trainer, I highly recommend Pat and Jax Fitness Academy.
— Karina D.
I’ve been training with Pat for about a year, and I couldn’t be happier with the results and with the process. My strength and mobility are greatly increased (as a former athlete I wish I’d trained like this when I was competing). In terms of the sessions themselves, Pat makes them efficient, organized and enjoyable. Lifting is always work, but Pat provides the right amount of motivation and conversation to make it painless. Pat is an interesting and energetic guy who is professional and modest.
— Jason R.
To feel and be treated like an athlete again is all I look for. No excuses just hard work and all the support necessary. Pat pushes you to get better even when you think you have already given everything.
— Ceinwen S.
My energy is up, my attitude is better and more importantly I look better- in and out of clothes!
— Arnie L.
I benched 225 for the first time and I’m very excited. I’ve gotten stronger and the guidance always motivates me to beat last weeks weights.
— Chris C.
Love the training. I’m seeing more results in one week than I saw in 5 months of Crossfit. No sh*t.
— Matt C.
Pat is extremely upbeat and hits the right mix of challenging yet manageable workouts. I look forward to my sessions each week and noticed the physical change almost immediately. Pat listened to me and helped me reach my goals in a really fun and do-able way.
— Kate H.
I enjoy training with Pat because he’s not a “Fitness Freak Drill Sergeant”. He’s very knowledgeable about exercise and nutrition without trying to indoctrinate me with new fads or diets. He’s anti-gimmick and wants what’s best for each individual he works with. He’s straight forward and has the ability to push me beyond my perceived limits. He’s also pretty funny, but I would never say that to his face.
— Lindsay M.
I have been working with Patrick since January 2013. He is not only serious about fitness- he is passionate. It’s his lifestyle, he lives it and breathes it. His focus and energy is refreshing in today’s world. I have posture issues and Patrick has creatively helped me fix them after a 40 year career at a desk.
I have sincere appreciation for what he’s helped me accomplish.
— Neil W.